With this tips you can easily hide the desktop and taskbar from the user

1. Declare win32 API module on Declare -> Local External FUnctions

Function Long FindWindowEx (Long hwnd1, Long hwnd2, String lpsz1, String lpsz2) Library "user32" Alias For "FindWindowExA"
Function Long ShowWindow (Long hwnd, Long nCmdShow) Library "user32" Alias For "ShowWindow"

2. Declare constants below on Declare -> Instance Variables
Constant Long SW_HIDE = 0
Constant Long SW_NORMAL = 1
Constant Long SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2
Constant Long SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3
Constant Long SW_SHOW = 5
Constant Long SW_MINIMIZE = 6
Constant Long SW_SHOWNA = 8
Constant Long SW_RESTORE = 9
Constant Long SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10

3. Type the example codes below to hide the desktop and taskbar
String ls_ShellViewWnd = "Progman"
String ls_ShellTaskBarWnd = "Shell_TrayWnd"
String ls_Null
Long ll_HTaskBar, ll_HDeskTop

setNull (ls_Null)
//Hide TaskBar
ll_HTaskBar = FindWindowEx ( 0, 0, ls_ShellTaskBarWnd, ls_Null)
ShowWindow ( ll_HTaskBar, SW_HIDE )
//Hide Desktop
ll_HDeskTop = FindWindowEx ( 0, 0, ls_ShellViewWnd, ls_Null )
ShowWindow ( ll_HDeskTop, SW_HIDE )

To show up the desktop and taskbar again, use codes below
//Show Task Bar
ll_HTaskBar = FindWindowEx ( 0, 0, ls_ShellTaskBarWnd, ls_Null)
ShowWindow ( ll_HTaskBar, SW_SHOW )
//Show Desktop
ll_HDeskTop = FindWindowEx ( 0, 0, ls_ShellViewWnd, ls_Null )
ShowWindow ( ll_HDeskTop, SW_SHOW )