You can use Windows Scripting Host on PowerBuilder for many purpose. On sample code below, you can use it to get the network domain, user name and computer name. To do so, you need Windows Scripting Host Object Model component (wshom.ocx)

integer li_rc
OleObject ole_wsh

ole_wsh = CREATE OleObject
li_rc = ole_wsh.ConnectToNewObject ( "WScript.Network" )
IF li_rc = 0 THEN
MessageBox ("Domain", string( ole_wsh.UserDomain ))
MessageBox ("User", string( ole_wsh.UserName ))
MessageBox ("Computer", string( ole_wsh.ComputerName ))

With WSH, you can execute other application from PowerBuilder application. On example below, Notepad will be called by clicking a button from PowerBuilder application
integer li_rc
OleObject ole_wsh

ole_wsh = CREATE OleObject
li_rc = ole_wsh.ConnectToNewObject ( "WScript.Shell" )
ole_wsh.Run ("Notepad")
ole_wsh.AppActivate("Untitled - Notepad")
Sleep (500)
ole_wsh.SendKeys (''Hello from PB")

Sleep is a function from Win32 API module with a declaration like this :
Subroutine Sleep (Long dwMilliseconds) Library "kernel32" Alias for "Sleep"

You also can run Calculator program and send some key stroke on it
integer li_rc
OleObject ole_wsh

ole_wsh = CREATE OleObject
li_rc = ole_wsh.ConnectToNewObject ( "WScript.Shell" )
ole_wsh.AppActivate ("Calculator", 100)
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
// 1+2 = ( 3, then) * 4 = 12

You also can run VBScript from PowerBuilder easily. To do that you need Microsoft Script Control component (msscript.ocx)
OleObject ole_wsh
Integer li_rc, i, j, k

ole_wsh = Create OleObject
li_rc = ole_wsh.ConnectToNewObject ("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
ole_wsh.language = "vbscript"
ole_wsh.addcode("function retfnc(s) retfnc = s end function")
ole_wsh.executestatement ('if 1 > 1 then msgbox retfnc("true") else msgbox retfnc("false") end if